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Kurling da Nova Era

Toda terça-feira | 10h | Centro Comunitário Moorland, Lincoln
£2 | 07305 095690
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New Age Kurling é uma forma do jogo de curling original jogado no gelo, adaptado para que possa ser jogado em ambientes fechados em qualquer superfície plana e lisa, com os jogadores lançando pedras de uma extremidade da quadra para um alvo na outra extremidade da quadra. tribunal.

O alvo tem círculos concêntricos vermelhos, brancos e azuis e a pontuação é determinada pelo número de pedras mais próximas do centro do alvo. Cada equipe tem um número definido de pedras e se revezam para deslizar uma pedra em direção ao alvo. Cada jogo normalmente consiste em um número par de pontas, geralmente seis ou oito.

Os jogadores podem mover as pedras com as mãos, pés, pushrod ou usando uma rampa - isso significa que o New Age Kurling é realmente um jogo para ser jogado e apreciado por todos!

Positively Impact your Mental Health With Sport

Even short bursts of regular exercise have a proven positive impact on mental health. This is why joining us for Walking Football could be the first step to better mental health for you. Here are just a few ways in which sports and physical activity can positively impact your mental health.

  • Improve your Mood: Exercise releases feel-good hormones, which tell your brain to improve your mood. Recent studies showed that people who categorised themselves as feeling low noted a significant improvement in mood after they undertook physical activity.

  • Reduce Stress: People who partake in regular physical activity often have lower stress levels.

  • Increase Self-Esteem: Exercise can often help you to feel better about yourself.

  • Tackle Depression and Anxiety: GPs often prescribe regular exercise as part of a Mental Health programme to help sufferers of Depression and Anxiety. Taking part in regular activity and sport empowers individuals to self-manage their recovery.

  • Sleep Better: Physical Activity will help to tire you out during the day and therefore help you to get a better night's sleep.

  • Connect with new people: Sporting activities allow connecting with like-minded new people, without the pressure of finding a common ground. 

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